Welcome to the Winnipeg River Arts Council

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Mission Statement

Our mission is to inspire and help individuals discover and embrace their artistic identity, fostering a collective sense of creativity that enriches and unites our regional communities.

Winnipeg River Arts is passionately dedicated to enhancing the North Eastman Region by providing support, empowerment, and connectivity through the arts


WRAC looks forward to serving residents, visitors, artists and arts groups within the Winnipeg River corridor (east of Highway 11 and north of Highway 317). The region is culturally diverse and home to many talented artists and arts organizations that provide opportunities for arts and culture. WRAC’s regional structure will help community arts organizations, schools and recreation services work together to plan larger regional arts initiatives by facilitating the sharing of resources, information and talents. WRAC seeks to contribute to economic grow by promoting the region’s arts and cultural assets to residents and tourists.

Artist Of The Month

Featured Organization – Winnipeg River Arts Council – Issue #150

Pinawa Art Gallery

January 2025

For this month, WRAC would like to feature itself. Over the fourteen years of its existence, many people have asked, “Why do we have an arts council? What does it do?” Here are some answers.

In case you didn’t know, art does many things.

·         helps people express themselves

·         reduces stress

·         motivates youth to value friendships, growth, higher education, stable employment

·         reduces vandalism and violence

·         improves quality of life for seniors

·         inspires people to volunteer, attend local events, build community

·         improves mental and physical health

·         entices people to come and live in artistic and culturally rich communities

·         attracts visitors and creates jobs

·         helps people who aren’t artists enjoy seeing, hearing, and reading art

Incorporated as a non-profit in 2011, WRAC set out the following goals:

·         support literary, visual, and performing arts/artists

·         share regional resources, information, and talents

·         connect arts organizations, schools, and recreation services

·         enhance quality of life for residents and tourists

·         help the region reap economic benefits of diverse arts and culture

Since its inception, WRAC has accomplished these targets. And it keeps working to organize programs and partnerships for the region’s benefits.

As for what WRAC does for individual artists, here’s a partial list.

·         artist promotion

·         professional development and mentorships

·         grant writing assistance

·         networking opportunities

·         central support

But wait, there’s more. Here is a partial list of activities and events promoted and presented by WRAC, starting in 2012.

·         various art shows and sales, including Eastman Judged Art Exhibition

·         storytelling events and author visits at Lac du Bonnet, Pinawa, and Allard Libraries

·         monthly artist/arts organization profiles in local newspaper (150)

·         partnerships  with Fire & Water and 4P Festivals

·         Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre’s annual touring productions – from 2014 to 2025

·         sponsorship of talent contests at 4P Festivals

·         5 “Celebrating Stories” (music and author readings at local libraries)

·         creative writing workshops

·         partnership for sculpting classes

·         sponsorship of children’s art classes in Pinawa

·         “Art of Managing Your Career” artist development workshop in Lac du Bonnet

·         Canada 150’s Confederation Centre Tour of “Dreamcatchers” in Pinawa

·         partnership with Whiteshell Winter Arts Festival – children’s art workshop/snow painting

·         partnership with Winnipeg River Rec – snow painting LDB Family Day/ Polar Bear Dare

·         Machine de Cirque, “Truck Stop Circus” in Lac du Bonnet

·         performer “Chris without the Hat” at 4P Festival

·         seven Rural Youth Mentorships

Also, WRAC promotes events presented by local artists, schools, community centres, and festivals. Events hosted by organizations such as Eastern Manitoba Concert Association, Boreal Shores Tour, Pinawa Players, Pinawa Art Gallery, and local libraries are publicized widely in newsletters and on social media platforms.

Given the number of artists of all kinds living and working in the area, and the active arts scene, Winnipeg River Arts Council is indeed welcomed and necessary.

 Our Partners