October 2024
For this month, Winnipeg River Arts Council features Lac du Bonnet Library, located in the Town of Lac du Bonnet. For years, it has provided a much loved gathering place, and, like many local facilities, it has an interesting history.
As the community grew and developed, residents knew they wanted a library. For 15 years, from 1956 onward, Helen P. Smith ran a lending library out of her basement. When the Smiths moved to Winnipeg, due to Helen’s failing health, the library moved into Hallie Lavoie’s residence.
Due to lack of interest, this home-based lending service was eventually abandoned, and the collection ended up in the back room of The Bay Store’s dry goods section. When the store expanded and needed more space, the books were on the move again.
In 1978, due to renewed interest, a library committee was formed. Members consisted of Roz Burt, Nick Ostash, Teri Usackis, Art Van Steelant, Joyce Hanton, Eleanor Lewko, Phyllis Robin, Connie Safronetz, and Aline Preston. While this group worked towards getting a regional library established, volunteers ran the library in the Lac du Bonnet Senior School.
On April 1, 1981, the Lac du Bonnet Regional Library opened its doors in Suite #1, a small apartment on 70 Park Avenue, with a view of the nearby beach. As time passed, the library expanded and also occupied an adjoining suite. In October of 1989, the board decided to build a custom facility and formed a building committee to oversee the plans.