Eastman Judged Art Exhibition – Focus on Local Artists – Issue #143

June 2024

For this month, Winnipeg River Arts Council features Eastman Judged Art Exhibition, held on June 1, 2024 at Great Falls Hall. During the COVID pandemic, EJAE only appeared online, so this in-person event was cause for great celebration.

It took weeks of planning, hours of office work by Cathy Gregg (WRAC’s administrator), and bursts of hustle by a volunteer crew hauling equipment, hanging participants’ art, and making last minute preparations. But, at long last, the Eastman Judged Art Exhibition was ready.

On Saturday, the show opened to the public. Visitors from all over attended and several patrons purchased art from participating artists. WRAC thanks Great Falls Hall volunteers for all their hard work: operating the bar, catering the gala, and keeping the canteen open during the exhibition.

Volunteer take down crew

Prior to the public event, on Friday night, WRAC welcomed local politicians, artists, board members, and invited guests to a festive gala. The Great Falls Halls provided a perfect setting and their kitchen volunteers laid out an appetizing spread of cheeses, pickles, sausages, fruit, sweets, beverages, and other delights.

After Acting President Kelly Murray greeted everyone and thanked them for coming to the gala, she explained WRAC’s mission – to inspire and help individuals discover and embrace their artistic identity, serving communities along the Winnipeg River ranging from Victoria Beach to Whitemouth.

Murray also provided a brief history of EJEA. About 30 years ago, it started up and offered amateur artists a chance to showcase their work, receive critiques, and gain recognition. Previously, it took place bi-annually in communities throughout Eastman region.

In 2017, Whitemouth hosted the last in-person EJAE. In the spring of 2021, with help from Manitoba Arts Network, WRAC accepted the task of virtually reviving the event. After jurors met via Zoom to discuss 50 pieces by Eastman artists, submitted via photographs, they announced awarded prize placements.

Murray noted how happy WRAC was to host an in-person show, with 52 pieces from 21 artists. Ten selected pieces will participate in the Manitoba Rural and Northern Juried Art Show, held at Manitoba Arts Network’s Winnipeg office, on 210 Princess Street.

This provincial level exhibition celebrates visual artists living beyond the perimeter and introduces Winnipeg audiences to their work. The in-person exhibit will be held at MAN’s gallery (August 1 -24) and the pieces will also be displayed online from August to December, 2024.

At the gala, Kelly Murray introduced the attending dignitaries:

  • Ian Chadsey, Councillor for Victoria Beach
  • James Bezan, MP for Selkirk, Interlake, Eastman
  • Kathy Majowski, President, LdB NDP Constituency Association
  • Ken Lodge, Mayor, Town of LdB
  • Blair Skinner, Mayor, LGD of Pinawa
  • Les Barclay, Mayor, Town of Powerview-Pine Falls

Murray also introduced WRAC Board Members:

  • Mac Kinghorn, Vice Chairperson and Deputy Mayor, RM of Alexander
  • Judy LeRoye, Member-at-Large and Councillor, Town of Powerview-Pine Falls
  • Donna Besel, Secretary, Town of LdB
  • Joan Marion, Treasurer, RM of LdB
  • Darlene Searcy, Member-at-Large, LGD of Pinawa
  • Roberta Laliberté, Member-at-Large, Town of PV-PF, regrets

Acting President Murray, from RM of LdB, thanked outgoing board members, Lynette Ulrich and Jennifer Hudson-Stewart, for their years of service. She then introduced Cathy Gregg, Administrator.

Gregg announced the winners, judged by Amy Karlinsky and Luther Pokrant
1. Painting – Oil
a. Grace by Michael Hall
b. In the Pines by Richard Cline
c. Siggy Oliver by Richard Cline

2. Painting – Acrylic
a. Great Grey Owl – Silent Flyer by Mary Louise Chown
b. Who Watches the Watchers by Stan Kelly
c. Red Cross, Dreams of the Past by Stephen Young

3. Painting – Watercolor
a. Spring Bog by Frances Kaczoroski

4. Drawing – Ink
a. St. Mary’s Cathedral by Kelly Murray

5. Drawing – Pastel
a. Gene Pool Angel by Joyce Shaw

6. Drawing – Other
a. Shadows by Leah Boulet

7. Photography
a. I Can’t Look by Rick McGregor

8. Sculpture – Clay
a. From Little Acorns Grow by Kelly Klick

9. Sculpture – Glass
a. Tengu’s Gourd by Gordon Boyd

10.  Mixed Media
a. Underground Dance of the Wood Wide Web by Mary Louise Chown